Sunday, June 22, 2008

Woman #2 - His Way Of Being Nasty

We were married 9 years. I only stayed home with my son for 6 weeks. I have always had the better job. At the most by only $10,000 more a year (he would work a lot of overtime to even get that close and I was salary)

I have a college degree and he barely graduated for HS. I have worked hard to get where I am with a major corporation in XXXX. He is just lazy.

HE informed me the other day that he lost $3,800 on a vacation he was going to take with my son because I have a restraining order on him and he says thats why he can't leave the country. $3,800...trip??? New boat? $25,000 check?

This alimony thing is only just a way of him being nasty and trying to get me once again for leaving him.. In his mind it isn't over...hence the retraining order!
